Green Ballot works with environmentalists and legislators to create new parks, bird and wildlife sanctuaries, and wilderness areas. We are developing a legal mechanism called TESHA to bypass bitter Congressional battles that have undermined creation of National Parks, Forests, and Seashores.
Join Green Ballot in preserving endangered species and wildlife habitat through a range of methods such as prohibiting the cutting of tree species with life spans of 300 years or more; preserving Native American sacred sites; preserving access of species to America's rivers and lakes (which are overwhelmingly privately owned); and strengthening conservation plans for declining species such as the wolverine, moose, California condor, Canada Lynx, Black bear, Grizzly bear, black-footed Ferret, and red-cockaded Woodpecker, Manatee, Bighorn Sheep, Atlantic Sturgeon, Leatherback Sea Turtle; Virginia Long-Eared Bat, Gray Wolf, Florida Panther, Fox, and Orca.
Green Ballot also examines how government agencies are acting (unintentionally) to undermine wildlife habitat through dam building, wetlands drainage, road building in the forests, and under-enforcement of existing environmental laws.
To see our newest initiative: the BLM Lands Reforestation and Aquifer Recharge Bill,
click on the BLM Lands Reforestation link above.
Green Ballot drafts legislation to protect endangered species and their habitat; to return certain forests and wetlands to the public domain; to allow citizens to initiate lawsuits on behalf of nature; to revise the Mining Act of 1872; to end clear cutting of forests; and to minimize mountaintop removal mining.
Green Ballot works with environ-mentalists and legislators to conserve land, create additional parks, national monuments, wildlife sanctuaries, bird sanctuaries, and wilderness areas.
The BLM Lands Reforestation and Aquifer Recharge Bill proposes to reforest significant portions of idle, barren, and deforested BLM lands -- as a way to bring back rain and recharge aqifers, rivers, & wetlands. (Trees are essential to the rainmaking process.)
Given the inaction of Congress on a range of environmental matters, citizens have drafted environmental ballot initiatives re: dedicating tax revenues to open space preservation; miti-gating mining projects with adverse environmental impacts; and imposing jail sentences on those trafficking in rare wildlife species.
advocating for endangered species
drafting environmental legislation
preserving wildlife habitat