advocating for endangered species
drafting environmental legislation
preserving wildlife habitat
If you have concern about, or expertise in, any area of environmental impact such as wetlands drainage, clearcutting, mining wastes, or glyphosate usage, please let us know. Join the Green Ballot community and we will keep you updated as we draft legislation on environmental issues.
If you work for a government regulatory or enforcement agency or an environmental organization, we would like to hear from you.
Similarly, if you know of any trees slated for cutting, that should be saved, please contact us. If you know of any projects that are being funded, yet have harmful environmental impacts, please let us know through the contact form below. Thank you.
We appreciate it when members of the Green Ballot community participate in our polls and surveys. Your answers will help us as we draft environmental legislation, and gauge chances for its passage.
Green Ballot can help you contact the proper enforcement agency to lodge a complaint or to request remediation regarding illegal dumping, trapping, taking of endangered species, fencing off wildlife passage corridors, contamination of streams, lakes, estuaries, or wetlands, etc…